Monday, January 2, 2012

The Ghosts of Things To Come

I've spent nearly 20 years as a ghosthunter in some form or other, with greater zeal some times than others. Everything from house cleansings, to emotional and traumatic event leftovers, electronic energy pollutions, entities from war and crime, to my own personal ghosts, by far the hardest to exercise. But for all my pendulums, L-rods, EMF Meters and recording devices. There is one ghost that is, by far, the hardest to handle – for any of us to handle – the Ghost of Things to Come, or thought to be coming, perceived, whether true or false, usually with no way of knowing which. A ghost past, there are proven ways of dealing with those. A ghost future

‎2012 is a perfect year to be haunted, in some form or other, by a ghost of an uncertain future. It's been lurking some in many minds for quite awhile, but the turning of the wheel and the flipping of the calendar page intensifies and reminds us that there are things that we don't near understand, things that we are uncertain of, some things yet unknown. And not just the "big one" late in the year, but in each of our lives, what little thing rares in your mind, screams at you in the night or greets you as you first awake. Things about your future, your relationships, your finances, your family, your position in life. Most attributes of these ghosts tell us that we can't make it, or overcome the situation, that we will succumb.

For me it started with a grandfather putting a forked apple stick in my hand and repeating over and over, "Feel Boy, Feel it flow .. you feel it .. feel it???" It continued with a short German Instructor in a white lab coat several years later in a General Motors Automatic Transmission Class, as he blindfolded me and repeated over and over and over, "Feel it boy, feel the flow, you've got to learn to feel." And then yet 10 years later after his death, an appearance in a barn of a short German Instructor in a white lab coat coming toward me with a blindfold in his hand, saying, "Life works the same way as a transmission boy."

It has been my experience that regardless of the perceived or lived hard time or situation, at the times when I didn't have the wits left for an educated judgment, life has always proven to be waiting and cheering, even demanding at times that I travel on. Rooted as I want to become I know in many ways I'll always be a traveller, and that my flow will choose the direction of life. When the ghosts of the futre scream at you or me, choose life, you will always find it waiting there.

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