I'd come back every year or two anyway, some how managed unintentionally to be at the base of Fork Mountain, near Richwood, on the night of December 21st, nearly everytime; arriving to a barrage of faerie energy and drum and dance the night away.
But I wouldn't stay. Asheville, NC was becoming more and more the part of home that I stayed at most after nearly twenty years of breakneck rambling across the lands. I'd grown accustomed to so many bookstores, cafes, presentations, plays, drum circles, concerts, eating all the healthy foods I couldn't pronounce, a steady supply of all herbs and remedies for anything that could possibly ail me. And especially the endless supply of wonderful friends.
Among them, as beautiful and sweet spirtied native american girl as Kate and I have ever met. Susan Jones, just jumped into our hearts and lives the first time we ever seen her, which happened to be in the middle of a Hopi Drum Circle where I was drumming and Kate was dancing that night.
That girl could constantly introduce us to more thrilling and life changing experiences than you could ever imagine possible or even in existence. Among them, the night she, "Hey, let's drive down to Terra Nova Center in Cedar Mountain tonight and visit the faeries."
Now what I'm going to tell you next, you might think is quite well beyond reason. And that's OK, I understand. But it all really happened, what I'm gonna tell you.And the cool thing about the whole event, the address of Terra Nova just happens to be: 3475 Reasonover Road, Cedar Mountain, NC.
We arrived just before dusk, amid a cool spring misty drizzle, and proceeded down this little lane to the story that awaited which I'll continue next round .....
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