We had been sitting about an hour in the semi-circle; it was still very foggy with a very light mist falling. I'd heard a few exclamations occasionally as someone would spot an orb or something, but mostly it was a very quiet night for faeries.
Faeries love to communicate and they love being included and consulted in human activity. They will generally appear in whatever form necessary to make contact. It often depends on what the individual is expecting to see or what they have been trained to see just how they will appear. There is a particular way that they are wanting to appear to humans and a particular attitude that they are wanting humans to become acquainted with them -- more on that later. For now, it is more of a chore for a faerie to manifest itself than one would usually think. It is generally the older ones that can be seen the most and there is always a younger bunch attempting or being trained to do so which can produce some pretty cool light shows.
There are also better times of the year than others, such as in this 21 day springtime promise, when the veil between the worlds are thinner thus making it easier for communication from either side of the veil. But even at that there are times when the acitivity just isn't as strong as others.
Tonight was just such a night. That didn't really bother be much, I was very content with a blanket pulled up over my shoulders and head, sipping hot tea from a thermos, and listening and watching a very good group of friends and individuals.
I had my eyes closed at this one point when I felt a hand come under the blanket and take my left hand. I looked up to see what Kate or Susan wanted, figuring they were probably thinking about leaving, but there was no one there that I could see.
I continued to feel the pressure on my hand pulling me upward so I stood up, leaving my blanket and thermos on the ground, and begin to follow in the direction of the tugging. It was so foggy I could barely see my hand in front of me.
We got to the edge of the flat top area, the sound of the waterfall increasing, and then I was pulled to the right, descending a narrow path that began dropping quickly down the mountain. A few steps down and the "hand" released mine and there I stood wondering what was next.
Nothing happened for about a minute or so so I decided to follow the path aways and did so for about 10 minutes. It was very steep all that time but rocky enough to not be too slippery. All the time I could tell that I was walking parallel to the waterfall and it sounded like I was getting closer to it at the same time.
The path leveled out in front of me for a length of about 30 feet before descending further down the mountain but my attention was drawn to the base of the waterfall hitting the ledge just to my left before continuing its descent on down the steep mountain.
I couldn't make out much between the blackness of the night and the extreme fog but then to the left edge of the falls I saw her standing, just clear of the plunging water. She stood totally motionless, at least 5 foot tall, clothed in a long flowing violet gown with the bottom front opening to show some type of wrap around inner garment of 3 colors of green stripes. There was a green shawl of sorts wrapped around her waist, her hair was very long and appeared to be more light green than blonde. I remember trying to decide if it was green or just the dim light, fog and spray of the falls that made it appear so. I remember later thinking and laughing about I didn't really think any at all about if I was really seeing her or not, I just couldn't decide what color her hair was.
Whatever color it was though, her outfit was completed with a violet turban wrapped around the top of her head and she had 6 what looked like very thin and delicate wings. Two, rather short, pointing upward at near a 30 degree angle, two more about the same length extending about waist level outward and two longer ones pointing downward at about a 30 degree angle. They were all the same shade of violet as her clothing and had the same color of green "quill" in the middle, as if they had been feathers, but the wings themselves resembled some form of fine cloth more than anything.
We just stood like that a few seconds and then she asked, "Dare We Dance The Faerie Dream?'
Except she did not move a bit, not even her mouth. It actually felt more like what I heard her say was a thought, my thought, like i wish i had ice cream. Then her image was gone but the conversation continued within my mind with thoughts that would not normally have been mine.
Go Home.
Back to Asheville?
Go Home.
Who are you?
Go Home, I'll be there too.
What makes me think you're even here now?
This continued quite awhile, along with several other thoughts, one of which was maybe she would appear again and I'd make more sense of this whole thing. But she didn't reappear and I didn't make any more sense of anything so finally I began the steep climb back towards the top of the mountain...........
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